Cozy Christmas Village stunning CPA Home Office Takeover
Dickens and Scrooge took over my CPA home office this year with an extravagant Christmas Village that may last as long as tax season!
This is a look at a cold Winters’ morning in Dickens Village, only accountants, lamp lighters, and innkeepers are fully awake.
My Christmas village started out with one little piece back in 2007, the “Department 56: The Old Globe Theatre” historical piece. That’s the piece I always wanted.
Back in high school I saw my first Christmas village at my best friend and debate buddy’s house. Her mom had a nice collection and she set it out on her pool table, right in the middle of the living room, which I always thought was cool. I loved how you could look at it and walk around and see the pieces. The one that grabbed me was the Globe theatre, that’s the replica of the theatre where Shakespeare’s plays were put on in England.
As a fan of Shakespeare, and having played Juliet my freshman year, I was a superfan! I still am! Her mom was my buddy too, we became very close and we both missed her when she moved away. She always told me I could have her globe theatre one day when she died, in her sweet and funny way. Sadly she did pass away not much longer after that, a true loss, she was an amazing person, debate mom, and friend. I never did get her globe theatre, I guess the cousin took her whole collection, which was fine, it still reminded me of her. When I got my first house of my very own, I decided to search for that piece. It was hard to find then but I did and I bought it! I was so happy to have it.

I eventually started scouring eBay for other pieces when I realized they had these historical pieces, which I love! I found Shakespeare’s birthplace house, Stratford upon Avon, which is a perfect compliment to the theatre, that was my next piece! It even came with a Romeo and Juliet and stage figures. Sadly Romeo lost an arm when my daughter was little and she just wanted to grab him. It broke my heart but now I just see that cute innocent baby face of hers,Romeo’s missing hand, and I smile.

As you’ll see, the collection has grown quite vastly over the last seventeen years. Wow that sounds like a lot when I hear it and calculate it, lol. Yet I haven’t aged a day! 😉

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Until next time…
Keep smiling, improve every day, and build a life you love!
Yours Truly,
January Ember
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