5 Spring Time Rae Dunn Decor Finds & the Mysterious Marshall’s Woman
I found some amazing Rae Dunn spring time finds at Marshall's yesterday, and got more than I bargained for giving advice to a woman shopping for a vase!

It’s Spring Break this week and I couldn’t be happier! My daughter is getting to spend some much needed time with grandma and grandpa and I am getting some much needed work catch up…and a little me time!
Yesterday I decided I was going to run to Marshall’s and T.J. Maxx and do a little browsing before heading to the spa (I know, right, the SPA!). Lucky me, I got a gift card for Valentine’s Day for the lovely day spa that inspired me to write my blog post on “How to create a Spa Experiene at Home”.
I had about 2 hours to kill which was just enough time to hopefully not do too much damage shopping, LOL! I can get excited and go a little crazy when I find so many cute things that I just can’t seem to pass up!

I headed through the store and made my way to the back, looking for some clearance, LOL. I was really hoping for some Rae Dunn St. Patrick’s Day stuff (see my post on some St. Patrick’s Day Decorating Ideas and the few Rae Dunn finds I did get for St. Patty’s Day) on clearance…alas, I did not find any, but I did get a Valentine’s Day pink mug for $3! YAY!
I found my one clearance mug and a really cute “Lemonade” yellow pitcher – a must have and I already knew 5 good uses for it and worst case, gift idea! 🙂 Into the cart it went!

I found myself in the coffee mug section, just a bit further down, and I began to search…and I saw something…”A DREAM COME TRUE”! OMG Disney Princess collection…and it was CINDERELLA!!! So, yeah, I did an amazing Cinderella birthday theme for my daughter’s 8th birthday last year and I just love, LOVE, LOVE, CINDERELLA! Who doesn’t right!

I grabbed the mug and when I flipped it over I was delighted to see the fairytale castle…stunning! So, I kept looking…surely there were more…fingers crossed! I sifted through all the hanging mugs, searching for something that looked similar, with that light blue inside, the Cinderella blue…and then I saw one. I reached into the back and grabbed it. It said “CINDERELLA’, and on the back, the lovely Cinderella herself! Perfect, a matching pair!
2 Rae Dunn Cinderella Mugs from Marshalls - Dreams really do come true!

I had my mugs, and on I went, right around back through the clearance! I fond myself upon the “floral” area, where some glass vases sat on the ground, some large floral picks and wreaths were surrounding the small section. I had eyed a topiary wreath and was heading to look at it.

As I walked up, I stood and stared at the section for a moment, when a woman appeared next to me. She stopped and asked for my opinion on a vase. There were 2 large glass vases there on the floor, she asked which one I liked better for an arrangement to go in a corner.
I told her that in fact, I had the one vase at home, it was a large vase that had embossed “Chardonnay” on the side. The other vase was smaller and completely clear and I liked it once I looked at it. I said, “and this one, I love, so if you don’t buy it, I just might!” We shared a chuckle and then she turned to me and said the most incredible thing…
She said, "but we must be careful, hard times are ahead...."

That sentence sparked a conversation, a deep conversation. Two strangers, meeting in passing, never coincidence…I don’t believe in coincidence. As Albert Einstein said, “God does not play dice with the universe”, I agree.
That one phrase led us into a deep biblical conversation. She asked me if I knew my Bible…I told her I did. In fact, I knew it rather well, and quite deeply. She was an elderly black woman, about 5’3″, sweet as can be. She told me of her time in Catholic school and her difficulty with various issues she found. She talked to me about how she kept distant from God, how she was afraid to be close to Him.
I was amazed at how she confided in me, a stranger, about deep soulful personal moments with God. Because of a vase!

I believe God speaks to us, if only we have an ear to hear Him. He nudges us as a good parent should, go this way, follow the right path…when we derail…much like a good parent, God, our Father, then needs to be more aggressive in veering us back onto the right path. I like to say that’s when Papa God hits us with his purse and says , “Get out of the road before you get run over!” As I’m sure you’ve heard your mom or dad or both say a million times. If you are a parent, you’ve become your parent and you know this phrase and necessary parenting behavior all too well.
I like to think when we get too far off our true path, God knocks us upside the head with his Mama Purse and pushes us out of oncoming traffic!
Now that we have some philosophical background, so much more on that to come, you can see I don’t take coincidence lightly. I found myself recalling my chat with this woman, whose name I never got, she never offered, and I suppose I never asked. Strange. Later, I remembered a song that talks about when Jesus came to visit, the man waited and waited for him, but only three other random people needing help had come by. He was distraught that the Lord had not visited him, as he had promised he would, so later he prayed and asked why he had not come.
Jesus told him, I came to see you three times today. Each time as someone who needed help, and each time you welcomed me in and helped me.

As I took pictures of my lovely Rae Dunn finds, I couldn't help but think of the mysterious Marshall's woman, how she came to me for silly help about a vase, and ended up getting much more.
I truly believe everything we do matters in some way, even a smile. You can make someone’s day, just by smiling at the right moment. You never know when acts of kindness, love, and charity will spark movements, inspire songs, save lives. This woman reminded me of that. She also reminded me that I don’t need to ever be afraid of my relationship with God.
Just in talking with her I could feel something…I had chills a lot! LOL That is an actual fact. Do you ever wonder if people you meet are real? I wondered about her…and that song/story…was she real? Did she wonder the same thing about me? LOL Ok, Enough heavy lifting with the philosophical brain melt!

Thank you for letting me share this story with you. It may seem silly, but sometimes, the littlest things can have rippling impacts. When the inspiration hits, I have to go with it!
I am a believer, and while I love to share my stories and Love for the Lord and how I have seen him work in my life, I am not here trying to preach to you. If you enjoy my story, great, if not, no harm, no foul. I am hoping only to inspire and to share. I have this burning to get things out of me, so this is my outlet.
Positive vibes only!

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