12 Home Gym Workout Essentials You Can Hide!
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I know a lot of people have struggled with getting a workout in at home ever since Covid hit. I had already worked out at home before, so I was adjusted to the concept already. For the last few years however, I had been going to the gym. I spent a lot of time there between weights, the stair climber and the sauna (the only thing I miss)…it could be a 3-hour tour!
In March 2020, we were all quarantined and I was back to my home workouts! Now, I also had my daughter home, so that presented a new set of challenges and time constraints. With new challenges comes new stress.
It was not easy trying to run my business, home-school my daughter, and manage the stress that comes from being quarantined and isolated. Naturally, the workouts and “me-time” were the first things to go as the stress escalated.
Every time I have what I call a "backslide": where I stop working out, stop taking care of myself, and basically forget that I am a person who matters, there is always a nagging feeling telling me to STOP, and START.
We all have that voice, most of the time we ignore it. I have certainly ignored it more times in my life that I'd like to admit. Take it from a girl who was 265 pounds at age 20, we all have to start somewhere.
They say the first step is admitting you have a problem, so let's start there. What's the problem?

The problem: Self - Neglect
The Solution: START and never Stop Starting!

All you have to do is START! It doesn’t matter how many times you stop, or “backslide”. Just keep starting to take care of yourself. Every time you fall off the wagon and neglect yourself, STOP, and START again! I have started over many many MANY times!
And...NOW...I am still maintaining a healthy, fit, and strong 140-145 lbs from working out at home!

You will see along my journey, I have gone up and down, alas a lot of times doing the wrong things. I’d like to share how I now do the “right” things now. Note: some of these are the “right things for me”, because I got to know my body and listened to what it needed. I am not perfect, but I try my best. Get to know your self and your body, is my best advice!
There are a lot of weight-loss and get-fit solutions I have found that are very general and do not have anything special to do with me. Stretching, eating healthy, drinking water, these are all “general” things that apply to everyone! Do them!
As we journey along you'll always have me repeating things, like a mother hen...I will repeat things I feel are very important. If you keep hearing me say it...you may want to pay attention to those tips...it comes from years of suffering, education, and learning experience!
On that note, lets get back to the journey...how I first started working out from home!
In 2013, after my daughter was born I found myself back up to 203 pounds again! I had gotten down to a 170-175 range I had maintained for a while (but not with "lasting" solutions). Before long I was ready to START again! I started off working out from home doing Beach Body DVD workouts! The 9/2013 pic below is the "before" picture I took for my T25 Before and After pics.
I never did complete the T25 program, but a year later I got the 21 Day Fix and everything changed. January 1 came with a New Year's Resolution: to become a morning person, stick to my workouts and learn a new healthier way of living!
Working out from home can yield really amazing results! I was honestly really surprised by the muscle definition I developed, without the GYM! The pictures below are from my progress with the 21 Day fix (then, 21 Fix Extreme) 30 minute daily workouts, resistance bands, dumbbells, and yoga! That's it!

If all you have is a yoga mat, you can always get a great bodyweight workout!
My first step to taking care of myself is always going back to basics – YOGA! I always start back with yoga. Stretching is so important for your body and mind. Honestly these days I stay in shape just by doing yoga, fasting, housework, & DIY projects. I haven’t done a “formal” workout in over a year. Yikes! I just admitted that!
A great yoga mat is really essential, which is why this is my #1 absolute must have investment! I personally love the Jade yoga Harmony and Fusion mats. The first one I ever had I bought in 2007 and I had it until 2018 when it finally started to die after a decade of good use! I have a new purple one and I got the navy one for the home office!
Must have qualities of a great yoga mat:
- Extra Thick – 5/16′ is my favorite thickness (I have some tailbone issues and knee pain so this thick mat style really provides a lot of support
- Good Grip – Natural rubber is best. You don’t want to slide around when you are working out and sweating!
- Dependable – get a good quality mat, this is where good money spent is worth it. You can get a $20 mat and it will be garbage, or you can invest in a good mat that will be amazing, life changing, and last 10 years!
I’ve used the Jade Yoga brand since 2007 and I was very happy to find them on Amazon. No other yoga mat has ever compared to this one for me! We have 2 in our house now!
If you have never tried yoga I highly recommend it. One of the hardest things for us to do in our lives is slow down. To our detriment, we just seem to go faster and faster. This causes more stress and harm to your mind and body.
Slow down, stretch and get to know your body. That is what yoga helps me do. Aside from helping me slow down and get to know myself, getting to know my body has helped me keep myself in shape and keep myself healthy! I am all about natural healing methods.
One of the most important things you can do to get your body in great shape is stretch and heal yourself!
Like many, I suffer from:
- neck pain
- back pain
- shoulder (torn rotator cuff)
- knee pain (car accident)
- thumb & wrist
- Pac-Man injury, sad I know – but my score is still undefeated!
- We are a competitive family! LOL
- Pac-Man injury, sad I know – but my score is still undefeated!
Taking care of your body by stretching and increasing flexibility is important for muscle growth, strength, and health.

Having been through my fair share of healing experiments, workouts, and weight-loss trials, I can tell you I know my way around! I went from a very unhealthy 265 pounds, to a very healthy, fit, and strong 145 pound Boss Mom! I hope my journey may serve as some inspiration and help you on yours.
Take care of your body & mind tools:
- Yoga Mat
- Foam Roller
- Ice packs
- Heating Pad
- Massage Gun
- KT Tape
- Copper brace (knee, ankle, wrist)
Grab a cup of coffee, or a glass of wine and take a minute to relax! We all need some ME time, so don’t forget to do that too! Also, you need DATE time, so don’t neglect yourself or your man! 🙂

Now that you are all warmed up….

All of these are items I use regularly at home and all are stored in my bedroom in a small decorative storage ottoman and under my bed (Bosu ball, yoga mat).

Now hide your home gym workout essentials! I use this velvet tufted storage cube ottoman! I have 2 of these!
Bonus - it doubles as a seat for booty band workouts!
If you think you can't workout because you don't have space, a gym, or time...I challenge you to try it my way!
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Until next time…
Keep smiling, improve every day, and build a life you love!
Yours Truly,
January Ember

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